

Journal Vol. 4 is now on sale and Journal Vol. 5 is very close to completion.

All submissions received from now on will be considered for Journal Vol. 6.

How to submit:

Attach your hi-res (250 dpi or greater) photo(s) to the form below.


Email or WeTransfer your photograph(s) to If can you include the camera, film used and any website details you would like us to share with out readers, that would be great. Additionally, text or articles supporting the photograph(s) are very welcome too.

There is no limit to the number of photographs you can send in, but we do receive a lot of submissions, so bear this in mind when choosing your best photos.


Contact Us

Optiko is a not-for-profit volunteer project, run to promote both analogue photography and amateur photographers.

By submitting your photograph to the Optiko (Analogue Photography Journal) Submissions Flickr group, or directly through the Optiko Journal homepage submissions tool (, you are agreeing with the terms and conditions below:

•Your photo may be used in future, in a printed version of the Optiko Journal. The journal is a yearly production intended, like the zine beforehand, to promote the work of amateur photographers and analogue photography.
•The copyright of the images used will always remain with the photographer.
•Optiko will never use any image in any other publication, or in any other printed format, other than the journal. 
•The name of the photographer will always be credited alongside the image used, unless otherwise requested.
•Contact details (i.e. email addresses) and personal webpages will not be published unless requested and/or permission is granted by the photographer.
•Due to the not-for-profit nature of the project and printing/distribution costs, unfortunately free copies of the journal cannot be provided to contributors who have their photographs published. However, in some circumstances, feature writers, interviewees and feature subjects may receive a complimentary copy.

Please no digital camera photos, pornography or content that is likely to offend.
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