Optiko Journal

The first journal sold out following a successful Kickstarter project to fund it back in 2018. After a year long break, the second issue is now available to pre-order here. 
Our second journal features the photographic work of Stefano Fristachi, Nadzeya Pakhotsina, Mikaela Rackham, Dora Kontha, Geoff Roughton, Leigh Reke, Patricia Ledesma Villon, Lisa Toboz, Guilherme Bergamini, Francesco Sambati, Rick Davy, Vyacheslav Onishenko, Nils Karlson, Rossana Battisti, La Perez, Stefanie Heider, Alessandro Venerandi, Julia Beyer, Zisis Kardianos, Anika Neese, Alexey Pakhotin, Clare Marie Bailey, Tomasz Zaleski, Ryan Watson, Mila Maes, Erik Clewe, Brent Trenholm, Giovanni Savino and articles by Adam King and Frederico Alegria.
Our publications are ad-free and published on a not for profit basis. We rely on pre-orders or crowdfunding to raise the funds needed to get them printed and bound professionally. We are very fortunate to have found a great book printer here in the UK that allows us to print any quantity we require and have been consistent in the quality of their printing and attention to detail.

The contents of our publications and online galleries are made up from submissions from the analogue photography community from around the world. We do like to feature sets of images that perhaps form a narrative or connection of some kind. Submissions that are accompanied by text detailing something about the photograph(s) or about the photographer are ideal for inclusion in the journal.

Journal Vol. 2 Specifics:
Size: A5 (148x210mm)
Pages: 200 inc. cover
Material - Inside Pages: Silk, 170gsm
Material - Cover: Silk, 250gsm, Soft Touch Lamination.
Spine Width: 15mm
Weight: Approx. 500g

Other Publications
Free PDF downloads available from the Archive for all sold out titles.

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